Episode 335

The Book of Mormon: Part 9 (Jacob chapters 1-2)

This episode is part 9 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.

The book of Jacob continues from where 2 Nephi finished. Nephi passes away and his people get a second king. However, this king seems more like Rehoboam after Solomon. The people of Nephi backslide in wealth and pride. Worst of all many men start taking multiple wives and concubines.

Of course, we had to compare this with Doctrine and Covenants section 132! Does Jacob 2:24 contradict D&C 132:38?

Further research:

Book of Mormon in video

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration

The Book of Mormon online: Jacob [chapters 1, 2]

Doctrine and Covenants online: Section 132

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