Episode 283

Infanticide in D.C.?!

Disclaimer: we talk about some gruesome details of abortion procedures and results.

In March of 2022 the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising group obtained five bodies of babies possibly birth-sized babies in a box of 115 aborted bodies destined for processing as "medical waste."

For two years D.C. has claimed to investigate if the "D.C. five" were killed illegally (as opposed to killed legally).

As the Biden administration has attempted to dispose these bodies, pro-life groups and members of Congress are fighting to keep the baby bodies available and force a real investigation.

Is Washington, D.C. trying to cover up full-blown infanticide?

Well, we believe all abortion results in "infanticide," but how far does this culture of death go in the sacred halls of the greatest nation on earth?

Sources Cited:

18 U.S. Code § 1531 - Partial-birth abortions prohibited

"Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Washington, D.C." [YouTube video]

Mary Margaret Olohan, "1 Year Later: DC Mayor Stonewalls Probe Into Aborted Babies’ Bodies," The Daily Signal, March 23, 2023.

Breccan F. Thies, "Thirty-five anti-abortion groups ask Congress to stop DC medical examiner from destroying ‘potential evidence of infanticide’," Washington Examiner, February 7, 2024.

Steven Ertelt, "Pro-Life Attorneys Block DC From Destroying Full-Term Aborted Babies Killed in Potentially Illegal Abortions," Life News, February 9, 2024.

Mary Margaret Olohan, "EXCLUSIVE: DC Will Pay If Authorities Dispose of Aborted Baby Remains, Cruz Warns," The Daily Signal, February 8, 2024.

Scriptures Referenced:

John 8:32

Proverbs 10:11

*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to serve the community. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

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