Episode 254

Ohio Right To Life Aborts the Truth!

Elizabeth Marbach was the communications director for Ohio Right To Life.

But on that fateful day of August 15, 2023, she dared to do the unthinkable! She tweeted a message on X that said that faith in Jesus Christ alone was the only hope anyone could have.

Ohio Republican Representative Max Miller replied that it was the most bigoted post he had ever seen and demanded that she delete it.

After a firestorm of controversy, and Marbach refusing to retract her basic Christian claim, Miller apologized.

Yet, two days later, Marbach still found herself dismissed from Ohio Right To Life. When asked if she regretted her initial tweet, Marbach was only grateful that millions have read the truth of the gospel.

Sources Consulted:

Elizabeth Marbach's original gospel tweet.

Representative Max Miller's apology tweet.

Ohio Right To Life CEO Peter Range's tweet explaining Marbach's dismissal.

Rachel Coyle's tweet promoting the Ohio amendment to restore Roe.

Elizabeth Marbach's tweet replying to Coyle.

Ohio Right To Life

Samantha Kamman, "Ohio Right to Life fires communications director after viral 'faith in Christ alone' post," The Christian Post, August 18, 2023.

Timothy H.J. Nerozzi, "GOP's Max Miller, Ilhan Omar clash over 'bigoted' Christian post: 'You have gone too far'," Fox News, August 16, 2023.

Ben Zeisloft, "Exclusive: Ohio Right to Life fires Christian after Republican lawmaker blasts her for sharing the gospel," The Sentinel, August 17, 2023.

Scriptures Referenced:

Psalm 117:2

Romans 3:1-3

Acts 4:18-20

2 Timothy 4:2

*** Castle Rock Women's Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

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