Episode 195
Why and How Slander Happens in Marriage
Slander finds its way into marriages way too easily and often.
But slander doesn't belong in words toward our spouse!
Chelsea and I first give an acrostic for S-L-A-N-D-E-R, then how we should E-D-I-F-Y.
Then, we answer some questions:
Why do we react, respond, or talk negatively about or to our spouse?
- Anger
- Bitterness
- Childhood experiences
- Expectations
- Life events
- Low self-esteem
- Need for attention
What are ways we tear down our spouse?
- Critical or belittling comments
- Putting down
- Manipulation
- Sarcasm
- Quick, snappy statements
- Insensitivity
Scriptures Referenced:
Matthew 12:34-37
Proverbs 4:23-24
Proverbs 18:6
Sources Cited:
Todd Foley, "Words that bruise: Are you emotionally abusive?" Focus on the Family Canada, Accessed September 4, 2022.
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