Episode 57

Abortion and the Gospel (a discussion with my wife Chelsea)

My wife Chelsea returns to Truthspresso to continue a series discussing abortion.

We talk about how the wrong of abortion is clear, even if some people refuse to accept it. Is the problem really a lack of evidence, or is it that hearts can be hardened to the truth? We talk about the presuppositions of an atheistic worldview vs. a Christian worldview, and how the Bible and the gospel are necessarily true. The gospel is the ultimate solution to the question of abortion.

Chelsea holds a B.S. in Nursing from Regis University, a Masters in Nursing from Pensacola Christian College, and a post-Master's certificate in Certified Nurse Midwifery from the University of Colorado. She has worked as a pediatric nurse, has volunteered over eight years of work at crisis pregnancy centers in Colorado and Florida, and has delivered over 100 babies. Chelsea runs the website www.crmidwifery.com to offer her services. She is opening her own life-affirming clinic this year to serve women in the Denver Metro area.


Voddie Baucham, "A Biblical Worldview on Abortion"


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